CLIMATE CHANGE enthusiasts believe that the world is at crossroads.
The rising temperature of the ocean waters and the rapid melting of the arctic ice were attributed to the increasing level of greenhouse gases—and there is a need to do something.

With the surge in the numbers of covid positive cases, medical doctors know why the disease is spreading exponentially and what we need to do to flatten the curve.
The question is 'are we doing enough?'
The Narrative
WHEN THE Philistines tried to invade Israel, the latter was at a crossroad.
The Philistines came with their champion, Goliath of Gath. He was ten feet tall.
Every day, he taunted the armies of Israel, asking them to send someone to fight him.
When Saul and his soldiers heard him, they were afraid.
No one compares to him—and a hand-to-hand battle with him would end up in defeat.
He challenged the soldiers of Israel, morning and evening, for forty days. (1 Samuel 17:1-20)
They feared for their lives—and they knew that they were not doing enough.
Are you afraid?
ONE DAY, Jesse called David.
He told David to take some food to his brothers and check on their welfare.
When he got to the camp, he shoved his way through the armies to greet his brothers.
As he talked with them, Goliath emerged and challenged the soldiers of Israel.
David heard a soldier itemize the king's gifts to anyone who kills the Philistine, and he asked again.
But Eliab, his oldest brother, overheard the conversation and scolded him.
"What have I done now? I am just asking a question," he replied.
He felt that his kid brother was arrogant, but he was not. David was bold.
He wouldn’t fear because the Lord is his light and salvation. (Psalm 27:1)
What are you doing?
MOST PEOPLE used by God began in the place of doing something.
Saul was running an errand looking for his father's missing donkeys when he went to the house of Samuel, the seer.
And he was appointed to lead the people of Israel. (1 Samuel 10:1-9)
To do enough, you must be willing to do something. Any form of change begins with stepping up and doing the needful.
Where have you been?
WHEN THE news of David's valiant words reached the king, he sent for him.
He told the king not to be afraid that he will go and fight Goliath. But David sounded ridiculous.
Saul felt that David was too young and had zero experience, but David thought otherwise.
He told the king where he had been—and how he had killed the lion and the bear that came after his father's sheep.
'Any form of change begins with stepping up'
How do you see what you are passing through?
AT SUCH a tender moment, he knew God to the point where he could do more.
David saw his challenge with the eye of faith.
He understood that the worst of times could be his best of times—and the same goes for you.
The most poignant moment was when he said, "The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine." (1 Samuel 17:37)
Do you have testimonies from the past? God wants you to use those milestones as stepping-stones to new ones.
He who did it in the past can do it again if you will trust him. Let Him do the heavy lifting.
What drives you?
DAVID SEEMED to be fascinated by imminent threats.
While others ran away from danger, he ran toward it. First, it was the lion. Then, the bear—and now Goliath.
He was moved by his faith in God. He wouldn’t stand around and see someone defame the God of Israel.
He knew that the righteous are bold as a lion; so, he went against Goliath and prevailed. (Proverbs 28:1; I Samuel 17:50)
All who are led by Spirit of God are the sons of God. (Romans 8:14)
DAVID allowed his faith to shape his thoughts, his prayers and this helped him face the enemy.
The enduring appeal of his life endeared many people to him as a champion, the king in Israel and the man after God's heart. (1 Samuel 13:14)
Eyes that look are many, but eyes that see are few.
To take anything away from this story is to immerse yourself in it and learn how to do more.
Have a great week!