FOR THREE MONTHS, we waited for the pandemic to run its course—and the silence was deafening.
Being antisocial wasn’t the issue, but we were told not to socialize—so, we had to self-isolate.
Then came the shooting.
The moral history of racism has never been clear—and the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis white police officer reminded the whole world of racial injustice.
The whole nation was transfixed, and many felt sick to their stomach—no one believed that such a thing could happen before their eyes.
People stopped self-isolating. They took to the streets to show their disgust.
Since then, it’s been nine long days of protests in different parts of the world—and people have continued to vent their anger on social media.
But how do you respond to things like this?
It’s about people
GOVERNANCE shouldn’t be about politics; it should be about the people.

It’s hugely affirming that you are part of people’s lives as they are part of your life. They live in your world and you live in their world. They live in your stories and you live in their stories.
For the believer, you must understand that the kingdom of God is about souls. (Proverbs 11:30)
You serve a God who delights in human dignity and has worth for all humanity.
Irrespective of race and gender, He is building a church with people from all nations, tribes and languages. (Revelations 7:9)
A chosen people to show forth the praises of Him, and He is the head of the church (1 Peter 2:9; Colossians 1:18)
Dissent is the main ingredient of change
Be fair
GREAT MEN AND WOMEN are defined by the way they deal with fairness.
They set out to treat everyone fairly.
Do unto others as you will have them do to you. (Luke 6:31)
Wherever you look, see people through the lens of God’s Word—they are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)
Be grieved
ALTHOUGH IT’S HARD to believe that racism still exists, you must understand that it is a sign of sin.
And the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked, who can imagine it. (Jeremiah 17:9)
If you are going to change anything, you must get to the point of doing something—joining the healing work by praying for a change till God establishes His redemptive work.
However, it may be simple for us to identify racist behaviour in others and miss the subtle bigotry that exists in us.
Having a fit of righteous anger when we see these things does not stop us from examining ourselves and making sure that we are not guilty.
We must ensure that we do not contribute to stereotypes and divisions.
In times like this, we can pray Psalm 139:23-24.
Examine me, O God, and know my mind. Test me and know my thoughts. See whether I am on an evil path. Then lead me on the everlasting path.
Be slow to speak
WHEN YOU encounter a post, the conclusion you run on the spot is different from what you come up with after some thinking—so, give it some time.
Be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to become angry. (James 1:19)
To change things, you must understand that the ship of silence has sailed, and you can no longer be silent.
Look for opportunities, have conversations that can lead to policy change—call racism for what it is and renounce it.
The conversation isn’t only about where you are but where you should be.
And if you have questions about life, the bible is the best place to look.
WE LIVE in unprecedented times when arson should not be condoned, and history cannot be ignored.
We may all be footnotes in the annals of history, but providence will judge us for things we did and the ones we did not do.
However, we cannot base love, acceptance and respect on race or notoriety but God.
Go out this week, turn your despair to hope and your hate to a love story.