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Writer's pictureMuyiwa Mepaiyeda

Life Lessons on Leadership

Updated: Sep 28, 2020

GENUINE CHARACTER is modelled in us when we see it in others.

We look for people to emulate—and whenever they fall, we are disappointed.

We must recall that the bible never gives us pictures of perfect people, but imperfect men and women made perfect by God.

What comes to mind when you think of David?

If you describe him as the champion of Israel, you have done well. But Saul hated him.

While Saul looked at him with jealous eyes, David worked out his concerns—just like him, we must face our doubts and fears.

He had the right attitude; he turned his challenges into stepping-stones—and we can learn from his life lessons on leadership.

The Narrative

SAUL ORDERED JONATHAN and his servants to find David.

David possessed what many chased after—he had a family, and he had God.

When David ran to Adullam's cave, his father's house went there, and four hundred men joined themselves to him. (1 Samuel 22:1-2)

What are you becoming?

TO HIM, success wasn't about what he had achieved but what he was becoming. He was mindful of everything he did.

David did not disrespect the king.

Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the Lord. (Leviticus 19:32)

Do you love your enemy?

WE LIVE in a world where everyone teaches you to love yourself, and no one teaches you how to love your neighbour—but the scriptures tell you how. (Luke 10:25-27)

When Saul was in his most vulnerable state, David spared his life. (1 Samuel 24:19)

He loved his enemy—he was relational—and relational skills are the most important abilities in leadership – John Maxwell.

Without good relationships, people miss out on life.

What are your convictions?

HE UNDERSTOOD that life was much more than tweaking things; it’s about convictions and priorities.

He knew that to change people's minds, he needed to have convictions.

And he said, "I have set the Lord always before me, and because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved." (Psalm 16:8)

What is your priority?

ONE OF HIS PRIORITIES was treating others well.

When he went after the Amalekites, who took their families captive and returned, some of his men said those who didn't go shouldn't get any of the spoil, but David disagreed.

And he told them to share everything equally. (1 Samuel 30:23)

Where is your focus?

LIFE SHOULDN’T BE about what you've acquired but how much you give.

The focus must go from you to others—good leaders never seek anything for themselves but the welfare of others.

He had no time to gloat over his triumphs. He loved his people.

Where is your heart?

IN CRISIS, people search for the truth.

When he saw the Amalekite, he wanted to know what happened to Saul.

And when the Amalekite told him that he killed Saul, David knew it was a lie.

The Amalekite wanted to cash in on the situation—and curry his favour, but David saw his heart. (2 Samuel 1:1-11)

If you love Christ, you'll not rejoice over your enemy's death—it's not Christ's way. (Proverbs 24:17-18)

He couldn't imagine how someone will celebrate at such a time. He wept openly.

Are you self-serving or humble?

GOD TOLD HIM to go to Hebron, where they ordained him, king.

When he went to Jabesh-Gilead, he did not Lord things over them. David told them that he was made king in Judah.

Jesus once taught his disciples how to lead. He warned them not to be like kings with high authority who ruled over their subjects like tyrants.

The greatest among you will lead like one called to be a servant. (Matthew 20:25-27)

David led as one who came to serve.


DAVID'S LIFE was a miracle of courage, tenacity and focus.

And this is the life that you must live, that you bring God's touch to all you do—after all, your values come from Him.

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