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Writer's pictureMuyiwa Mepaiyeda

Made for More

THE ENEMY knows the scriptures like you do. He quoted them to Jesus and will likely do the same to you. 

But he's unable to comprehend how far God is willing to go to protect his own. 

He saw a bit of it when God saved Noah from the flood. (Heb. 11:7)

Then, he saw the full force of God when he raised Jesus from the dead. (Mk. 16:5-7)

GOD HAS PUT all you need in place to make you succeed.

His divine power has given you everything you need to experience life and to reflect God's true nature through the knowledge of the One who called you by His glory and virtue. (2 Pet. 1:3)

PAUL realized this and said: I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me. (Phil. 4:13)

Paul knew he was made for more. 

Lands to conquer
Lands to conquer.

ESTHER understood that her life wasn't ordinary when Mordecai told her: Perhaps you were made for such a time as this. (Esther 4:14)

PAUL encouraged Timothy to stir up the gift of God in him because he knew Timothy was made for more. (1 Tim. 1:6)

I DO NOT KNOW what life has offered you. But I do know that your life can be better.

So, if you think you have achieved enough and you plan to sit back or quit, you will cap your growth and die spiritually.

WHEN ELIJAH ran from Jezebel, he wanted to die. 

The Angel of the Lord came to him. He baked Elijah some cake and brought him some water. 

Then, God instructed Elijah on what to do. (1 Kings 19:6-19)

God told him to anoint Hazael as king over Aram, Jehu, son of Nimshi, as king over Israel, and Elisha, son of Shaphat, to succeed him. 

God made him understand that he wasn't done with him. 

PEOPLE are bound to question your resolve and your dream when they do not understand God the way you do. 

If this is your story, know you're not alone. 

But understand there are things the natural man cannot comprehend. Only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit is saying. (1 Cor. 2:14)

JOSEPH's FAMILY could not comprehend how they would bow to him, considering he was the youngest.

However, Joseph saw himself beyond his bedroom. 

He understood the only place he could not go was where the grace of God would not take him.


He knew that he was made for more.

JOSEPH's DREAM seemed mundane, but he believed in it. 

He believed in God's plan for his life. Joseph thought he was destined for greatness.

His brothers conspired and sold him into slavery, and they wondered what would become of his dream. (Gen. 37:19-26)

Unbeknownst to them, God had Joseph where he wanted him.


The only place you cannot go is where the grace of God will not take you

HE IS GOD, and we are not. Nothing comes to him as a surprise. 

His sovereignty makes him know the end of a matter from the beginning. (Isa. 46:9-10) So he can make things work according to His plan. 


When the enemy ends his plot, God starts his process. 

HAVE YOU ever wondered if your challenge is where God wants you?  

Pray that he will open your eyes. So you'll see the stability that prayers bring to your life.

WHEN YOU are sensitized by something, you look for it.

From the moment Joseph had the dream, he positioned himself by walking in obedience.

He knew that his future lay in the sacrifices he was willing to make.

ANY REVELATION or word you receive from God creates an awareness and heightens your expectations.

As your anticipation rises, so must be your obedience.

Joseph’s engagement became a chance to please God.

Every opportunity resulted in a manifestation of his inner man. (Gen. 39)

AT A TIME, the word of God was scarce in Israel, and Hannah was barren.

Her physical state mirrored the spiritual state of Israel.

But she knew she was made for more than life had offered. So, she cried out to God in prayer and made a vow.

If you give me a son, I will give him to you all day of his life. (1 Sam. 1:11)

Hannah discovered what she needed to do in prayer.

You'll never know what you find when you spend time with God in prayers.

Final Thought

WHEN YOU know you're made for more, it will transform your present and shape your future.

Prayer points for the week: 

  • God, open my eyes to see who I am?

  • What will you have me do?

  • Place me where you want me.

  • Start your process with me.

  • Let me know your move.

  • Give me an understanding as I pray.

  • God help me see that I am made for more.

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