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Writer's pictureMuyiwa Mepaiyeda

Opportunities we seek

Updated: Jan 10, 2022

WE ARE all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situationsChuck Swindoll.

They are sacrificial or challenging, trying or elevating. Some are obvious, and others you may never know except you pray.

IT WAS challenging for David when his soldiers turned on him, but he knew God was just a prayer away. And when he faced Goliath, he understood that it was a great opportunity disguised as an impossible situation. (1 Sam. 30:1-8; 1 Sam. 17:13)

David knew that these opportunities could be fleeting, and he seized them.

That situation you are facing may be your door to greatness, do not let it slip.

The Narrative

JESUS WAS on his last journey to Jerusalem—and there was so much noise as he passed through Jericho.

A blind beggar sat at the roadside, wondering what was happening.

When he heard that it was Jesus, he cried out: Jesus, Son of David, take pity on me and help me. (Mark 10:49)

"Be quiet; Shush," they said. They were unconcerned about his plight.

But the more they tried to shut him up, the more he cried out. And when Jesus heard him, he invited him to the table.

Are you stuck?

IS YOUR situation trying to shut you up? Are there noises around you dwarfing your voice? Then, it's time to cry out.

Life is full of noises, but you must choose what matters.

Be sensitive

TO BE sensitive to people's plights, you must read God's Word, and when it inspires you, the world will become a billboard.

When people face challenges, God wants you to lend a helping hand. He also wants you to lift them in prayer.

The greatest gift you can give anyone is godliness. So be a child of God.


God is only a prayer away

You can make a difference

WHEN JESUS requested to see him, the people said, "Cheer up! On your feet! He's calling you." (Mark 10:49)

As the saying goes, the best of man is always man.

The bunch of hypocrites who wanted him quiet suddenly changed their speech.

You must understand that your attitude is your best sermon because it impacts the people around you. Therefore, God will always allow you to serve Him as you help people.

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for, in due season, we will reap if we do not give up. (Heb. 6:10)

God has a gift

JESUS HAD a gift for him—and he has one for you.

What do you want me to do for you? "Teacher, I want to see," he replied. (Mark 10:51)

Go, your faith has healed you. Immediately, he received his sight. (Mark 10:52)

Whenever you focus on God, he focuses on you. And whenever you ask Him for help, he has a gift for you.

Think right

ZACCHEUS' VIEW was obstructed by the crowd when Jesus came to Jericho. (Luke 19:1-10)

He was a Jew who sided with the Romans. He was a tax collector.

If he had asked for a space to pass, they would have shoved him aside and called him a traitor. So, he climbed a tree.

If you think right, you'll have the right attitude. Zaccheus' ability to put things in perspective gave him hope.

He was willing to do anything to see Jesus. And when Jesus saw him, he comforted him, saying, "Today, salvation has come to your home." (Luke 19:9)

He allowed Jesus to write his story—and God wants you to do the same.


NO MATTER how alone you think you are, God is just a prayer away - Unknown.

Every day is an opportunity to change things—and when God opens a door, it's often an exit from a comfort zone - David Jeremiah.

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