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  • Writer's pictureMuyiwa Mepaiyeda

The Jesus You May Not Know

Updated: Apr 6

THERE IS NO DOUBT that we pride ourselves in knowledge and think we know so much.

However, we are humbled when we realize how little we know and blown away when God shows us another part of Himself.

PETER, JAMES and JOHN were in awe when Jesus was transfigured, and they saw Elijah and Moses talking to him (Mark 9:2-8).

They had been with Jesus but never saw him this way.

The Cross

EVERY ENCOUNTER you have with God is meant to make you revere God and know him more.

It may be as simple as talking to Him or as great as God speaking to you. It doesn't have to be spectacular. It just has to be revelatory.

JESUS SAID and DID things that people around him might know that the Father sent him.

What do you gain when you do things a certain way? What is your motive for doing them?

Is it so that people will see you or that God will take pleasure in you?

MARY and MARTHA took pleasure in Jesus. They sent for him because their brother, Lazarus, was sick.

And when Jesus was about to leave where he was, he told his disciples, "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep. I go to wake him up."

Jesus used sleep as a metaphor for death.

Then he became explicit: "Lazarus died. And I am glad for your sake that I wasn't there. You're about to be given new grounds for believing. Now let's go to him." (John 11:1-15)

Every challenge and encounter with God is a new ground for believing.

MARY and MARTHA understood this, they knew he had the power to save Lazarus.

But Jesus delayed in coming—and when he got to Bethany, Lazarus had already died for four days.

If you had been here, Lazarus wouldn't have died. I know whatever you ask God, he will give you. I know he will be raised in the resurrection at the end time.

You don't have to wait until the end. Right now, I am the resurrection and the life. (John 11:17-24)

Jesus loved Lazarus enough to be late.

LORD, he has been dead for four days; the stench will be unbearable.

Remember, I told you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God. And Jesus called Lazarus out.

Death could not hold him down because Jesus needed him. With God, delay isn’t denial.

MANY JEWS took pleasure and believed in Jesus when he raised Lazarus from the dead, but some left and told the Pharisees.

And Caiphas, the high priest for that year, planned how to catch Jesus. (John 11:45-49)

But Jesus knew everything. He knew that Judas would betray him.

DESPITE the challenges before him, Jesus was full of gratitude.

He gave thanks at the grave of Lazarus. He did the same when he fed the five thousand. (John 11:41-42; 6:11)

Six days before Passover, Jesus appreciated it when Mary anointed him with an expensive perfume.

When Judas took offence, Jesus said she anointed him for burial. (Mark 14:8-9)

AS THE PASSOVER approached, people talked about Jesus—waiting to see him in Jerusalem.

The Pharisees and Chief Priests ordered that if anyone knew his whereabouts, they should report it so that they could arrest him. (John 11:57)

They did not understand that you take a side when choosing. But Jesus knew he took a side when he chose to die.

And the Father loves him because he laid down his life that he might take it again. (John 10:17)

JESUS had low moments.

Once, he told Philip and Andrew that his spirit was low and unsettled.

How can I ask the Father to save Me from this hour? This hour is the purpose for which I have come into the world. But I can say this: "Father, glorify Your name!" (John 12:26-28)

In the Garden of Gethsemane, he told his disciples that his soul was overwhelmed with sorrow. (Matt. 26:38)

He was sorrowful, yet he prayed for you. Some of the best moments to pray and break bread are when you’re overwhelmed with sorrow.

Jesus prayed that the glory the Father gave to him would be passed onto you. He also called on his Father to love you the way he (Jesus) loves you. (John 17:22-23)

The Father’s love for him knows no bounds. So, this is the greatest prayer.

His prayer was mostly for you.

AFTER his prayer, they arrested him and took him away.

The following day, they sentenced him to death and nailed him to the cross.

Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice. But on the third day, he rose again from the dead. (1 Cor. 15:4) Nothing could hold him back.

Bringing it Together

WHEN JESUS sees sickness, he sees a chance to heal. When he sees filth, he sees a chance to clean. When he sees sins, he sees an opportunity to forgive.

His death on the cross was an opportunity to save you. Now that he's paid the prize, he's offering you the gift of forgiveness.

Give your life to Him.

Happy Easter!

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