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Writer's pictureMuyiwa Mepaiyeda

The Prodigal Son: A Chance at Redemption, Reconciliation and Forgiveness.

Updated: Aug 3, 2021

I HAVE SEEN PEOPLE leave the gas station with their gas tanks open—and I have seen a few people drive out after fuelling their cars with the nozzle still in their tanks.

Isn’t this what many of us do when we travel along with things we shouldn’t and spread bitterness wherever we go.

We move from place to place with the wrong attitude and corrupt everything in sight.

The Narrative

A FATHER had two sons.

One day, the younger one said, “Father, eventually, I’m going to inherit my share of your estate. Rather than waiting until you die, I want you to give me my share now.” (Luke 15:11-12)

The father liquidated his assets and divided them.

A few days later, the younger son gathered his things and left for a distant land where he wasted all his inheritance on wild living.

A great famine struck the land, and he was in great need.

He got a job with one of the locals who sent him to feed the swine.

The prodigal son was miserably hungry and felt like eating from the pig’s ration—no one gave to him.

When he chose to live carelessly, he decided to suffer. Anytime you do the same, you alienate yourself from God.

Change your Attitude

WHEN HE HAD a moment, he said to himself, “What am I doing here?” Back home, my father’s hired servants have plenty of food. Why am I here starving to death? “

“Father, I have done wrong—wrong against God and against you. I have forfeited any right to be treated like your son, but I’m wondering if you’d treat me as one of your hired servants?” (Luke 15:18-19)

The prodigal son knew that he was disloyal to his dad. He understood that he brought shame to his family.

Was he filled with memories? Yes, but much more with trepidation.

The reason I say so is that he practised how to face his dad.

He rehearsed what he would say, not sparing anything and thought of how his dad might react.

He was sorry for what he had done. He viewed his return as a portal of hope—and a door to reconciliation.

Reach out in love

THE PRODIGAL SON got up and returned home.

When the father saw him afar off, he ran and hugged him.

The father gave him the chance to live again—a chance for redemption.

Even as he gave his pitch, his dad told his servants to put the best robe on him, and a ring in his finger. (Luke 15:22)

The father forgave him.

These acts are symbolic. They are the expressions of his love for his son—and symbols of God’s love toward us.

For while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

Die to Self

IN EVERY STORY of reconciliation, someone dies to self.

When Joseph revealed himself to his brothers and forgave them, he died to self.

Moving forward, he had no animosity toward them.

And he said, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” (Genesis 50:20)

You cannot truly forgive until you acknowledge the full measure of evil that was done to you.

When the older son returned, he wouldn’t enter the house because he was bitter toward his brother and upset with his dad.

The father did all he could to reconcile him with his brother, but he wouldn’t.

While he saw the prodigal son as too far gone, his dad saw him as something good in the making.


THE PRODIGAL SON returned home with a better understanding and value for what he neglected in the past.

Are you living a life of preference or choosing to obey the Word of God?

A willful decision not to obey God can harden your heart and make you less receptive to His voice.

Choose wisely!

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