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Writer's pictureMuyiwa Mepaiyeda

Twelve Attributes of the Good Father

A FATHER—Philip Gray, wasn’t surprised when he was deployed to Afghanistan.

He knew how hard this might be on his seven-year-old daughter. So, he wrote a hundred lunchbox notes for her—one for each day.

His daughter loved the happy notes and did not want him to stop writing them.

The soldier-dad planned for the future.

Fathers are planners. They have foresight.

God the Father knew one day, humanity would sin, so he prepared for it.

He looked for a sacrifice that would suffice.

Fathers make sacrifices.

He sought someone in heaven to send—and Jesus chose to come (Isa. 6:8).

When we were dead in trespasses, God the Father sent his Son to die for us (Eph. 2:5).

Greater love can no man have than to lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13).

Fathers share their plans.

Hundreds of years before Jesus came, God the Father shared his plan through visitations and prophecy.

When it was close, he shared it with Simeon and Anna; they were led to witness the dedication of the baby Jesus (Luke 2:34-52).

He did not leave humanity in the dark.

Fathers are dependable.

Jesus did what he saw the Father do when he was on earth (John 5:19).

He worked when he was to work. He talked when he was to speak.

He told them, if you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father (John 14:8-9). He was a living witness of his Father.

Fathers are awesome.

Everywhere Jesus went, he gave hope. He spent time with people, restoring them to life—and pointing them to the Father.

When he met a funeral procession, he raised the dead son back to life (John 7:11-17).

He stood in between the woman accused of adultery and the mob (John 8:3-11).

He restored hope to the hopeless.

Fathers are appreciative.

Jesus was delighted when Mary poured a bottle of alabaster oil on him (John 12:3).

She anointed me for burial, he said.

Fathers love processes.

The process is as important to him as the outcome.

God not only validates outcomes but also celebrates efforts. For the joy set before him (Jesus), he endured the cross despising the shame and he is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God (Heb. 12:2).

Fathers are providers.

Before Adam was formed, God provided all he would need to live (Gen. 2:15).

So, all Adam had to do was tend the garden. He did not have to start from scratch.


The only thing God has in his heart is love

Fathers make commitments and keep them.

Every day, God came down to fellowship with Adam.

No wonder when he came one day and couldn’t find him, he called out: Adam, where are you?

Fathers are active listeners.

Even when Adam fell, God asked him what happened (Gen. 3:8-11).

Fathers give leadership.

God calls everyone to give them direction.

He called Abraham and showed him the plan and purpose for his life. So, Abraham had something to pursue (Gen. 12:1-3).

Fathers know.

God knows the end of a matter from the beginning.

He has knowledge that is passed searching out (Rom. 11:3).

When the extreme wind caught Paul's ship, God sent an angel to encourage him (Acts. 27:23-24).

Fathers do not give up on their families.

The narrative of the prodigal son is a good depiction of the Father’s heart. The son was away, but his thoughts never left the father’s heart.

He could sense something was wrong. No wonder he expected his return.

The moment he saw him from afar, he ran and hugged him. He asked his servants to change his clothes and put a ring on him (Luke 15:11-32).

Bringing it Together

THE ONLY thing God has in his heart is love. He’s expressing it to you today.

Give your life to Him.

To the dads, Happy Father’s Day!

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