BELEIVE it or not, life is like a puzzle waiting to be solved. It is full of good memories, hopes and fears, a good family, a solid base, and regrets.
However, the only way to destiny is God.
THE LORD had told Abraham to go from his country, household, and father's house to a land he would show him. (Gen. 12:1)
After his dad died at Haran, the Lord reminded him of the same.
A life of repetition is a life of focus.
ABRAHAM had become very rich in animals, silver and gold. His nephew, Lot, also had animals. (Gen. 13:1-2)
The land could not sustain the animals of both men after some time. So, Abraham had to let him go.
I pray you'll let go of every distraction that would not allow you to focus.
A life of repetition is a life of focus
THEN, God said to him: Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you. (Gen. 13:17)
After the promise, he built an altar.
The promises of God are his to keep—and the place of worship is the place of His Presence.
Abraham lived in tents, but he wanted permanence.
My question to you is, what do you want in life?
MOSES knew that God had a plan for Israel.
He thought by killing the Eygptian, his people would recognize that it was time. But they did not. (Exod. 2:11-12)
So he became a fugitive—he had no permanence. Moses had regrets and settled for less.
In the absence of the Will of God, you'll settle for mediocrity.
THE CHILDREN of Israel had expired their years in slavery. They cried out to God in pain.
After forty years, God appeared to Moses in the burning bush. When God saw that Moses looked, he called unto him.
The Will of God is a disruptor!
MOSES had excuses. He said that he was a stammerer.
But God had gone ahead to take care of his inadequacy. He had put his brother, Aaron, on the way. (Exod. 4:10-14)
When you choose the Will of God, he orders your steps to trigger your destiny helpers.
THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL took on their journey.
Moses knew that he was made for fellowship first and service second. So, he said to the Lord:
"You've been telling me to lead these people, but you haven't let me know whom you're sending with me. You've also said, 'I know you by name and am pleased with you." (Exod. 33:12-13)
God works in order. He will not entrust anything to you without first trusting you.
WE TEACH people that you can only take others to where you've been. But that isn't true.
Joshua said to Israel: "When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the Levitical priests carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it."
Then, you will know which way to go since you have never been this way before. (Jos. 3:1-2)
The way of destiny is only known to God.
Bringing it Together
THE MIND of God is where you go when you need clarity. His heart is where to stay when you need stability.
Walking with God can be daunting. But he will give you stability, capacity and stamina.