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Writer's pictureMuyiwa Mepaiyeda

Who Can You Trust?

Updated: Aug 31, 2021

ONE QUESTION has remained since the wake of the pandemic—who can you trust?

The fear of the virus jumping from one person to the other has not helped—and the look on people's faces when you stand close to them further tells the story.

The other day, I walked away from the car only to realize that I wasn't donning a mask and had to return to get one.

The development of the vaccine has come as a relief to many.

And some with underlying health conditions who have been vaccinated have kept their status to themselves. They fear being shamed.

The issue of trust has been further worsened by nations where the vaccination has become a passport for entry into certain places.

Those without it are discriminated against—and the health crises are now governing people's lives.

To get the vaccine or not to get it is still the elephant in the room—and the question on people's minds is who we can trust.


AFTER THE DEATH of Christ, many of his disciples didn't know who to trust. They did not know what to do with their lives.

Their question was like, where is God in all of these?

It was as if they had followed God long enough to be disappointed.

The problem with disappointment is that it's as old as history. And many times, it comes unannounced.

Their old vocation seemed attractive to them, so they went back to fishing—and caught nothing all night.


AT THE BREAK of day, Jesus stood at the beach. But they did not know it was him.

You haven't caught any fish, my sons.

"No," they replied.

Cast your nets into the sea.

As they did, they caught so many fish and couldn't lift their nets.

It is the Lord exclaimed John. (John 21:1-10)

Peter realized that God sustains all things. He maintains all things by His powerful words. (Hebrews 1:3)

Nature is nothing but the expression of His will—no wonder Jesus could tell where the fishes were.

God has the solution to your problem. All he wants you to do is trust Him.


PETER DOVE into the sea and swam ashore.

When they arrived at the shore, they saw a charcoal fire burning with fish on the grill and bread.

Bring some of the fish you just caught.

Peter went back to the boat and pulled 153 large fish from the net. Despite the number of fish, the net did not break.

"Come and join me for breakfast," he said. (John 21:12)

Peter needed to learn that God was continuously at work in his life. Even when he couldn't physically see Him, he was still present.

Whatever adversity you face, you must understand that God will never leave you. He will never forsake you.

He truly delivers those who call to Him in the day of trouble. (Psalm 50:15)


Trusting God must be worked out in an arena of no boundaries


HE GAVE THEM fish and bread.

They knew that it was Jesus because this was the third time that he was appearing to them.

When they were done eating breakfast, he said to Peter, "Do you love Me more than these other things?" (John 21:15-18)

And two more times, Jesus asked if he loved him.

The night that Judas betrayed Jesus, Peter denied him thrice. (Luke 25:54-62)

Jesus wanted him to reaffirm his trust and love for Him.

The challenge to his obedience humbled him, but he knew that God's unfailing love surrounds those who trust in him. (Psalm 32:10)


PETER HAD BETRAYED him, yet he did not bring it up.

All he did was invite him to a meal—and share His grace with him.

Whenever you face adversity, there's someone to trust—God.

And trusting God must be worked out in an arena with no boundaries, even when dealing with the unknown.

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