THE WAY WE VIEW the events of life shapes us.
Many people’s last words indicate how they lived their lives. Some are full of emptiness, while others are full of hope.
The Narrative
JOSEPH HAD REVEALED himself to his brothers and told them to go and get his father.
His father, Jacob, knew that this would draw on his responsibility towards the future of the people of God.
He understood his stewardship toward his family and looked forward to seeing his son.
And after they arrived in Egypt, Joseph took Jacob to Pharaoh.

“How old are you?” asked Pharaoh.
I have journeyed through life for 130 years. My life has been short and hard. But they don’t compare with the many years my ancestors travelled this earth. (Genesis 47:1-12)
He could have responded differently, but he spoke about his misfortunes.
In his teens, he left home. At his uncle’s place, they forced him to marry a woman he did not love.
And when the woman he loved passed, something inside of him died.
He was heartbroken when he lost Joseph—and no one could console him.
How do you look at life?
HE LIVED A LIFE of disappointments, and the prism through which he looked at his experiences shaped him.
Jacob was a father in pain. He was a broken man—and like him, we are all broken people.
But when he felt like dying, God spared his life.
At Bethel, he saw angels going up and down on a ladder—and woke up to say. “I never knew God was in this place.” (Gen. 28:16)
Are you a man in pain? Do you feel like Jacob?
God has promised that when you pass through the waters, he will be with you. And when you pass through the fire, it will not burn you. (Isaiah 43:2)
What do you see?
GOD KEPT HIS PROMISE to him, yet, all he saw was pain—this is because you choose what you see.
In human history, it’s not unusual to have interruptions.
Joseph settled his father and brothers in Ramses and supplied them with food according to the number of children. (Genesis 47:11-12)
Jacob lived in Egypt for seventeen years, and the time to die was drawing close, so he sent for Joseph.
When I die, do not bury me here. Carry me out of Egypt and bury me where my people are buried. (Gen. 49:29)
And when Jacob was ill, Joseph took his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, to see him.
One of the wisest truths that you can teach your children is how to trust God.
When he told Joseph how the Lord had promised to make him a community of peoples, he taught him how to trust God.
Jacob testified of God’s faithfulness.
Passing the Baton
HE ASKED HIM to bring his sons to him. Jacob placed his right hand on Ephraim, the younger.
Joseph removed his hand. He wanted the older to receive the blessing, but Jacob said no.
The environment in which your children grow impacts their perspective of family, people and God.
The mother to the boys was the daughter of an Egyptian priest who worshipped a pagan god.
However, when Jacob had the chance, he prayed the blessing over Ephraim and Manasseh—and said they would be mine.
Jacob’s sight was blurry, but he knew what to do by the Spirit.
As a father, it’s your responsibility to lead your children the way of the Lord and pass the baton to them when the time comes.
Words of Hope
JACOB’S WORDS reflected the man he had become.
His words were full of hope—and the promise of God to him became his theme.
He was talking about the God that he knew—The God of promise. The God of certitude.
Do not wait to share God’s testimonies until you’re old. Begin to share them today.
AT THE END OF LIFE, he ensured that his two grandsons did not have a dual personality.
When you choose not to look at life through the prism of grace, you put yourself in prison.
And whatever challenges you face, you can only be joyous when you understand the truth of God.
Happy Father's day.