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  • Writer's pictureMuyiwa Mepaiyeda

God Cares

Updated: Aug 13

I DO NOT know your challenges, but I do know God cares.

He cared very much when enemies surrounded Elisha, and he put the soldiers of heaven on standby (2 Kings 6:18).

Jesus spared the thief on the right cross from eternal damnation when he gave him a pass to Paradise (Luke 23:42-43).

God cared so much for Paul that he saved him (Acts 9:5-6).

And he cared so much for you that he sent his Son to die on the cross (John 3:16).

NAAMAN was the commander of the Army of King Aram when God gave him battle victories.

He returned home with a young Israeli girl from one of his raids.

When she noticed that Naaman had leprosy, she mentioned a prophet in Samaria to her mistress.

She moved from being the house help to a witness.

God will not leave you without a witness (Acts 14:17).

IF YOU WALK into a room, one way to find a power outlet is to look for electronic devices plugged in.

A lamp

Once you find one, you'll locate the power source.

We live in a congested world where you must intentionally look for God.

FINDING a witness is what you need.

Saul found one when he went searching for his father's donkey—and his servant said:

A man of God is in this town. People respect him because everything he says comes true. Let's go into the city. He could tell us something about the journey we have taken. (1 Sam. 8:6)

Although the Pharisees wouldn't believe it, they met one in the blind young man Jesus healed.

He said: Whether or not He's a sinner, I don't know. One thing I do know: I was blind, and now I can see! (John 9:13-41)

They were close to their miracles but did not know it.

NAAMAN needed someone plugged in, so he went to his king to help talk to the king of Israel.

When Naaman arrived at the King of Israel's palace with King Aram's note, the King of Israel was scared and tore his clothes because he thought King Aram was preparing for a fight.

ELISHA heard what happened and told the king to send Naaman to him.  

However, when Naaman arrived at his place, he sent his servant to tell him what to do.

Wash yourself seven times in Jordan, and your flesh will be restored and cleansed (2 Kings 5:10-12).

NAAMAN was angry.

I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, wave his hand over the spot and cure me of my leprosy, he said (2 Kings 5:10-12).

He was desperate for conversation, but all he needed were instructions.

IT WILL SURPRISE you that some of the healing Jesus performed was simple instructions.

When he met the ten lepers, he said: Go, show yourselves to the priests." And as they went, they were cleansed (Luke 17:11-18).

At the Pool of Bethesda, he told the man who had been sick for thirty-eight years to get up, pick up his bed and walk (John 5:8-9).

SOMETIMES, we have a mental picture of how our problems should be solved.

We forget that the horse may be prepared for battle, but victory is of the Lord (Prov. 21:13).

BUT GOD, in his mercy, gives us good people to unlock our miracles. Some people call them destiny helpers.

He gave Naaman a second chance when his workers said: "My father, would you not have done it if the prophet had told you to do something great? (2 Kings 5:13)

May God give us people that will tell us the truth.

NAAMAN DIPPED in Jordan seven times, and his body was restored like a young boy's (2 Kings 5:14).

He realized that the instruction was as good as prayers.

Final Thought

GOD gave us access because he cares!

His instructions may seem silly, but they come alive when you follow them.


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