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Writer's pictureMuyiwa Mepaiyeda

How Not To Fail-In Four Simple Lessons

Updated: Sep 28, 2020

WHO HASN'T BEEN TOUCHED by someone seeking God to do something in life or praying for a miracle?

The woman with the issue of blood went everywhere seeking a cure but found none—and when she touched Jesus' garment, she was made whole. (Mark 5:25-34)

The man at the Pool of Bethesda, with no one to put him in the water laid there for thirty-eight years—and when Jesus saw him, he told him to carry his mat and walk. (John 5:1-8)

We are all seeking God to bless us and change our situation—and not fail.

The Narrative

ABRAM SEEMED to be doing great when God called him, but God had a better plan for his life.

God told him to leave his relatives and father's home for a land that he will show him.

After years of waiting, God said to Abram that he's his shield and exceeding great reward.

And Abram replied, "What could you possibly give to me that would make much difference in my life?" (Genesis 15:2)

Abram was seeking God for a child.

God took him outside to show him the stars—your descendants will be as many as the stars—and God cut a covenant with him.

Focus is Vital

FAITH MOVES to fear when our focus shifts from God to our situation.

Abram was trying to move his family to listen to God, but he lost his wife along the way—she couldn't wait any longer.

Why haven't we had a child? Are we going to have any? Why can't you have my maid instead?

Sarai's eyes were set on having a child through her maid, so she suggested it to her husband.

This arrangement wasn't unique to Sarai because the ancient eastern customs approved it, but God frowned at it.

Abraham slept with Hagar, and as soon as she conceived, her attitude changed. She became arrogant towards Sarai, but Sarai wouldn't have any of it.

One thing that the earth cannot bear is when a maidservant displaces her mistress. (Proverbs 30:23)

Waiting is Inevitable

THIRTEEN YEARS after the birth of Hagar's child, God appears to Abram reassuring him of the promise he made to him.

God changed his name to Abraham and said to him, "For your part in the covenant, you and your descendants must keep my commandment to all generations." (Genesis 17:19)

The wonderful thing about us is that God knows what we need to persuade us – Charles Swindoll.

God's pause in his life was a divine setback to give Abraham an understanding of covenant.

Abraham could see his life in the rear-view mirror. He understood where he went wrong.

Like someone said, "Life is lived in forward but understood in reverse."

God was building into him an attitude of trust—those who know your name trust in you. For you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you. (Psalm 9:10)

The wait taught him what real strength is. He left God's presence with a closeness that he had never known.

What is the wait teaching you?

Know that You are not in Charge

WHEN YOU wait for something, it's an indication that you're not in control.

When you dedicate your life to Christ, you give Him the wheel. You're no longer your own; the precious blood of Jesus has purchased you. (1 Corinthians 6:20)

To please Him, Jesus must become your motive and your message—in Him, you live and move and have your being. (Acts 17:28)

Are you in business or God's activity? When you think the world is terrible, it may just be your world that's terrible.

If it's God's business, do it according to the scriptures.

Abraham discovered that he wasn't in control and left everything to God.

When God told him that he would have a child, he found faith in the shadow of a doubt.

Focus on the Promise

HE FOCUSSED on the promise—the fear was removed and replaced with the conviction that he who has promised will do it.

The promise became his long-term goal and trusting God to keep the pledge became his short-term aspiration.

Someone said, "People do not want the truth; they want hope." But you cannot have one without the other.

God told him the truth—Abraham will have to keep all the commandment of the Lord. He also gave him hope by giving him the promise.


ABRAHAM's STORY teaches us how not to fail God.

And if any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. (James 1:5)

Like Abraham, you start from the wonder-list—and when you know Him, you can present your checklist.

Have a great week.

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