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Writer's pictureMuyiwa Mepaiyeda

Not to Chance:God is in Your Story

Updated: Jul 19, 2022

THERE are seasons of life we get caught up in excitement when we succeed and a sense of despair when we fail.

For example, we were wrung with pain when the virus struck, but there were shouts of joy when the vaccines came.

THE ARMIES of Israel experienced a similar thing. Goliath harassed them for forty days.

And when David killed him, the people rejoiced.

However, their chant troubled Saul, and he was suspicious of David. (1 Sam. 18:7-9)

Then, Saul came after him.

David couldn't leave anything to chance. So, he ran for his life—but God was in his story.

MANY TIMES, we think good things are only those favouring us, like the defeat of the Philistines.

When asked to name them, we give responses like safety, wealth, beautiful family, nice house, godly friends, excellent health and a high-paying job.

These are truly good things, but there are unfavourable ones too.

A THING is good when it's in harmony with God's Will.

Good things do not happen to you because you have good thoughts. Instead, they occur as God is on your case.

Paul puts it this way: So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together for good, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose. (Rom. 8:28)

God does not leave your life to chance. Instead, he continuously weaves it into his plan.

Destiny is God weaving your life into what he wants.

FROM THE DAY you become a believer in Christ; God is in your story.

God changes your thinking and makes you see that a good thing can come out of difficulty.

So you do not run from tests and hardships. As difficult as they are, you will ultimately find joy in them; if you embrace them, your faith will blossom under pressure and teach you true patience as you endure. And true patience brought on by endurance will equip you to complete the long journey and cross the finish line—mature, complete, and wanting nothing. (James 1:2-4)

EVERYONE used by God has had to go through a time of preparation disguised as tests and trials.

Some went into captivity, while others went into exile.

Joseph was sold into slavery, where his gift blossomed into maturity—and God positioned him for the next phase of his life.

So to him, captivity is a good thing. (Gen. 45:7)

Moses learned great lessons in the backside of the desert until God saw that it was time to save his people.

And he appeared to him in the burning bush. So, God worked Moses' misstep into His plan. (Exod. 3:1-5)

Each of them needed to know God more to begin the next chapter of their lives, so they were thrown into the crucible of affliction for refinement.

You also need to know God more to be ready for what God wants to do through you—and this is done by walking in obedience to His Word.


Destiny is God weaving your life into what He wants.

GOD WANTS TO commit things to you, but he will not do so until you are ready.

He will not entrust anything to you until you're committed and willing to follow Him.

Abraham trusted God. A few years after he had Isaac, God told him to sacrifice his son to Him.

And as he tried, God said: Do not lay a hand on the boy. Please do not do anything to him. Now, I know that you fear God because you did not refuse to give me your son, your only son. (Gen. 22:12)

Abraham was ready!

YOU CAN SAY you are ready, but only God can tell.

He knows your capabilities—and the tests and trials you face will reveal them to you.

The children of Israel had to go through the wilderness for forty years to reveal what was in their hearts. (Deut. 8:2)

DAVID had outstanding testimonies, yet God felt he wasn't ready. He wasn't prepared to lead the nation of God.

Once, he went to make a pact with the Philistines. But Achish turned him down.

When he returned to Ziklag, he found that the Amalekites had attacked his camp and taken the women and men prisoners.

Then David and his men cried until they had no more strength.

He was distressed because his men told him they would stone him in their bitterness.

Then, he remembered that God was in his story. So, he called Abiathar, the priest and instructed him to bring the priestly vest.

And he asked God: Should we pursue these raiders? Can we catch them?

God said: Go after them. You will catch them, and you will certainly rescue your families. (1 Sam. 30:3-10)

Where do you take your questions? Knowing where to take them will give you the answers you need.

David was closer to God when he took his questions to Him.

When you ask Him questions, you leave nothing to chance as you allow Him to write your story.

Bringing it Together

GOD'S GREATEST PLAN is to weave His Will into your life, which is why he saved you.

Will you allow Him?

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