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Writer's pictureMuyiwa Mepaiyeda

Relationship, Revelation and Relevance.

Updated: Jul 24, 2024

MY PLACE of PROMINENCE is my place of purpose—and my place of calling is my place of relevance.

Esther was just another queen until Mordecai told her; perhaps you were born for this time (Esther 4:14).

No one could have come to the battle camp at a better time than when David, a young shepherd boy, showed up and realized he was called to fight Goliath (1 Sam. 17:22).

Gideon never imagined that God would call him to fight the Philistines when he hid in the wine press threshing wheat (Judges 6:11-23).

Peter never imagined that one day he would meet a man who would tell him to follow him and make him a fisher of men (Matthew 4:19).

UNTIL THEY had their moments, they were normal people living ordinary lives. Then, they became a people of purpose.

Having a moment

Moses was a man of purpose who needed direction. The thought of his people living in slavery and him in the palace tortured him.

To find relevance, he killed an Egyptian and became a fugitive (Exodus 2:11-15).

He ran to Midian, where he found favour and lived a pedestrian life.  

AFTER FORTY YEARS of tending to his father-in-law's sheep, he saw a strange bush burning and was not consumed (Exodus 3:2-5).

So he stopped to look. And God told him to go back and deliver his people.

MOSES realized that his place of revelation was his place of definition.

His role in God's plan became defined.


Your place of revelation is your place of definition

THESE PEOPLE came to God's prominence when they found their purpose.

To find relevance, you need to find your purpose in Christ.

MANY have found their purpose in Christ but feel less than they should because they compare themselves to others.

But we must understand that our life trajectories differ because God did not call us to do the same thing.

While God called Moses to lead his people, he called Aaron his spokesman. Without the office of Moses, Aaron and Miriam would be irrelevant.

When Aaron and Miriam criticized Moses, they queried God's wisdom, and God was angry with them. So, God gave Miriam seven days of leprosy (Numb. 12:1-15).

He wanted them to stay in their lanes.

PURPOSE is where you find prominence. God determines prominence.

While he calls some to a few, he calls others to many.

Mordecai was called to one—Esther (Esther 2:15-17). Nehemiah was called to his people (Nehemiah 1).


Our life trajectories differ because we are called to different things

THE FACT that a person has a larger influence does not mean God loves them more. It just means that's their calling.

Your calling determines your relevance—and your reward will be based on it.

CONSIDER what he called you to do whenever you think of relevance.

A master was going on a trip when he called his three servants and gave them talents according to their abilities.

The first servant received five talents, the second three and the third one talent. They were to mind the master's business (Matthew 25:14-30).

PROMINENCE can be in the open or in obscurity. But God does more in obscurity than in the open.

Elijah was prominent in the open.

God used him repeatedly to uproot evil from his people. But he misjudged prominence when he said he was the only one left (1 Kings 19:18).

And God told him that he had seven thousand men who had not bowed their heads or kissed Baal.

When you realize that God's purpose for your life isn't just about you, He will use you in a mighty way - Tony Evans.

EVERY RELATIONSHIP deserves commitment but a different measure of growth. One relationship that should always grow is the one with Christ.

Your commitment to him should increase day after day.

Bringing It Together

WITHOUT WALKING in your purpose, your ability to please God is greatly diminished.

Your place of revelation is your place of definition—and your place of definition is your place of purpose.

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