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Safe Place

Writer's picture: Muyiwa MepaiyedaMuyiwa Mepaiyeda

WE ARE in extraordinary times—and the facts are beyond dispute.

We are surrounded by things that subtly underscore our vulnerability—and if there's anything this season has shown, it's that we need help; we need a safe place.

RAHAB knew that the spies from Israel needed help when soldiers appeared at her doorstep, and she hid them. (Jos. 2:4-5)

THE ARMIES of Israel knew they were on some of their worst days when they fled before the champion of the Philistines.

But David knew they were the people of God. Moreover, he understood that God was on their side.

So he said, "You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. (1 Sam. 17:45)

On your best day, your future may be bleak. But with God on your side, on your worst day, your future is bright.

PEOPLE often confess the beginning of Romans 8:28:

We are confident that God can orchestrate everything to work toward something good and beautiful when we love Him and accept His invitation to live according to His plan.

They forget that the scripture refers to those who love God and live according to His plan.

David understood this, and he lived according to God's purpose.

ONE OF the Pharisees had invited Jesus to his home. As he sat there, a woman brought an alabaster jar of oil.

She looked for a safe place.

The woman sat at his feet, washed them with her tears and dried them with her hair. Then, she rubbed his feet with the perfume.

And Jesus said to her: "Your faith has saved you. Go in peace!" (Luke 7:37-48)

If you need compassion, God has got much more than you think.

UNTIL YOU make God your safe place, he cannot keep you safe.

So when Nebuchadnezzar threatened to throw Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego into the fiery furnace, they said to him:

"If our God, whom we honour, can save us from a blazing furnace and your power, he will, Your Majesty.

But if he doesn't, you should know, Your Majesty, we'll never honour your gods or worship the gold statue that you set up." (Dan. 3:17-18)

They gave God supervision over their lives—and whatever the king planned to do wouldn't change a thing.

Have you done the same?

WE LIVE in an era when people say: my truth—so, there are versions of the truth.

But in this changing world, there's no other truth besides God's never-changing one. (John 8:32)

They had no different truth but that of God—and they fought to preserve it.

When we are aware of the foundation of our faith, we will stop fighting for unnecessary things.


God will not act on your behalf until you give Him control

THE THREE MEN stood against the culture of their time. They built a wall of defence around themselves with their faith in God.

Yet, they faced a foot soldier of culture who wanted to crush them, one who desired to dethrone God from the centre of their lives and take them out of their safe place.

If they lived today, many would say they are politically wrong and fight against their beliefs.

You must understand that God cannot act on your behalf except you give Him control—and until you make him your safe place, he cannot keep you safe.

THERE'S NO DOUBT that times are hard. But in this lonely time, God will never leave you nor forsake you.

He is good, a stronghold in the days of trouble—and he knows those who take refuge in him. (Nah. 1:7)

You may be suffering the passing of a loved one or a traumatic experience.

I pray that God will touch your heart and heal your ache. He will be your safe place.

IF PAUL could sit in prison without burning out, you can do the same. But your stability will depend on a relationship with Jesus.

Everyone who pleased Him had a relationship with Him.

To do this, you must acknowledge that you're a sinner and you need a Saviour.

Ask Jesus to forgive you all your sins and come into your life.

If you have done this truthfully, you are now believers in Christ.

You are now in God's safe place.

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