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Secrets: Grace More Than You Imagined

Writer's picture: Muyiwa MepaiyedaMuyiwa Mepaiyeda

THERE is a measure of grace that's strange to us but a life of grace we must embrace.

This was the grace that the good Samaritan extended to the stranger attacked by thieves on the way to Jericho (Luke 10:29-37).

JESUS extended this same grace to the woman caught in adultery and told her to go and sin no more (John 8:1-11).

FOR THE THIEF on Jesus’ right side on the cross, he forgave his sins and told him he would be with him in paradise (Luke 23:43).

WHEN a Woman met him at the well of Samaria, he said: you have had five husbands, the one you're with isn't your husband. 

Jesus extended this grace and forgave her sins (John 4).

Today, God is extending this same grace to you.


God does not share peoples’ secrets with you to gossip

WHEREVER you find the secrets of men, you will find the grace of God.

Secrets locked away

The woman with the issue of blood had a secret. She had been sick.  

If she were a Jew, her sickness would have kept her away from public gatherings (Lev. 15:19-33).

However, she knew that Jesus carried the grace of God—and the grace of God was what she needed.

So, when she heard that he was in town, she went there.

As people pressed around him, she touched the hem of his garment, and she was healed (Matt 9:20-22).

Then, Jesus asked for who touched him. And when she showed herself, he said, your faith has made you whole.

HAVE YOU EVER shared a secret with someone and felt it was safe?

But to your surprise, you heard it from someone else.

GOD IS MINDFUL of who he shares secrets with. He shares them with those who fear Him (Psalm 25:14).

God does not share peoples’ secrets with you to gossip.

If you are truly your brother's keeper, their joy will be your joy, and their pain will be your pain.

When you know their secret or hear things about them, you’ll not quickly cancel them.

Sometimes, their story isn't yours to tell.

ABRAHAM did not cancel his nephew, Lot when they went their separate ways.  

When he heard that he was taken captive, Abraham went with 316 men to rescue him (Gen. 14:14-16).

And when God shared his plan for Sodom, he interceded (Gen. 18:22-33).

Lot’s pain was his pain—and God’s concern was his stay.

THE TEST of maturity is what you do with people’s secrets.

If you learn to handle the secrets of God, it will be easier to manage the secrets of men.

Rahab knew the secret of the Israeli spies but did not spill it (Joshua 2:1-8).

A GOSSIP betrays confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret (Prov. 11:13).

So, who is your secret keeper?

KING DAVID had three of them after he committed adultery with Bathsheba.

The first secret keeper was Bathsheba who knew what David did to her (2 Sam. 11:4).

IN HIS ATTEMPT to cover his tracks, he let one of his generals into his secret.

He wrote Joab: “Put Uriah out in front where the fighting is fiercest. Then withdraw from him so he will be struck down and die” (2 Sam. 11:15).

When Uriah died, David had her moved into the palace.

I wonder how Joab saw David after this incident.

Then, GOD sent NATHAN the prophet to him. And he told him the story of a rich man and his neighbour.

David was angry about what the rich man in the story did. And Nathan told him that the rich man was him.

The king will not die but there would be consequences—the son would die and things that he did in secret would be done to him in the open (2 Sam. 12).

After Nathan left, David pleaded with God for this child, but he died.

What you do with the rebuke of the Lord is a reflection of your heart.

A broken and contrite heart, God will not despise (Psalm 51:17)  

OUT OF THE THREE secret keepers, one stood out to David.

Nathan knew the king’s secret and shared it with no one. He created a path to reconciliation with God.

Anyone who truly loves you will bring you closer to Christ.

GENUINE SECRET KEEPERS will make you see the grace of God and reconcile you to Him.

The grace of God will humble but not humiliate you. It will not bring you shame.


GOD is the ultimate secret keeper—your secret is safe with Him.

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