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Taking Credit

Writer's picture: Muyiwa MepaiyedaMuyiwa Mepaiyeda

EVERYONE RUSHES to take credit for something—we want to be known and praiseworthy.

We do not want people to see us as self-promoting—and that's what we do.

But the Christian life regarding getting credit is an anomaly.

The Narrative

IN LYSTRA, Paul and Barnabas met a man who was crippled from birth.

As Paul preached, he saw faith in the man's eyes.

And he said to him, "Stand up on your feet." At that, the man jumped up and began to walk. (Acts 14:10)

But when the crowd saw what Paul had done, they shouted, "The gods have come down to us in human form!" (Acts 14:11)

They brought bulls and wreaths to the city gates wanting to offer sacrifice to them.


WHEN GOD blesses men, people mistakenly put them on the same pedestal with God.

They forget that God does not share His glory with anyone. (Isaiah 42:8)

But when both men heard of the people wanting to worship them, they tore their clothes to relate their remorse, sorrow, and repentance.

They rushed into the crowd shouting: "Friends, why are you doing this? We, too, are only human, like you. We are bringing you good news, telling you to turn from these worthless things to the living God, who made the heavens and the earth and the sea and everything in them." (Acts 14:15-17)

They told them that they were humans meaning that they had struggles within, depression and despair.

Paul and Barnabas were not going to have any of these. They were not going to take credit for what God had done.

They were mere men who had chosen to please God. They knew that they were God's emissaries, and they pointed the people to Him.

Whatever you achieve or you're blessed with, always remember that you were given. (1 Corinthians 4:7)


WHEN THE PEOPLE said that the gods had come to them, they – the apostles knew that the power to heal lies in Jesus Christ.

The fact that they performed the miracle had nothing to do with them.

They resolutely refused to take any credit. And Paul shared the story of Jesus with them.

He was interested in identifying the miracle worker. His emphasis wasn't on his faith but faith in the name of Jesus.


WHEN THEY ASKED Peter and John why they preached in the name of Jesus, Peter replied that the stone they had rejected had become the chief cornerstone. (Acts 4:11)

He spoke about their attitude and God's attitude to His Son.

You judged him wrongly; you preferred a murderer to him and killed him. But the Father exonerated him by raising him from the dead.

They despised the author of life and acted out of ignorance. But God glorified Him.

When you are confident about something, you have an unwavering sense of belief in what you do.

Faith is confidence in Christ.


EVERY SERMON must be severe enough for people not to have a choice to refuse it.

Every sermon must give hope.

He presented Jesus as a choice between life and death. He ended everything with Jesus.

It isn't about us but Him. And if it isn't about Jesus, it's not the Christian message.

There was nothing made that he didn't make.

Jacob understood this; he urged his children to serve the Lord and choose His ways.

He gave them hope as he testified of his life.


EVERY BELIEVER has a place of service. The call to Christ is the call to discipleship.

We do not come to church to get fed and go out there and do nothing.

This week remember that thirst was made for water and inquiry for the truth - C. S. Lewis.

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