YOU WONDER why you are the most tested in your family. You are curious why you have to fight for everything.
You fight because nothing is given; you have to cease it.
Since the time of John the Baptist, the Kingdom of God has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force (Matt. 11:12).
You fight because life is a battle, and you're caught in it.
ABRAHAM was caught in the nuances of life when God called him.
Leave your country, people and your father's house to the land I'll show you (Gen. 12:1).
He chose him to break a cycle.

If you walk in the miraculous, you'll be breaking cycles.
GOD CHOSE Samuel to destroy the corrupt foundation Hophni and Phinehas built (1 Sam. 3:11:14).
And Israel started on a new slate.
GOD HAS chosen you to break the enemy's hold on your family and environment.
You are his battle axe.
He has promised that when you call on Him, he will answer you and show you great and mighty things you do not know (Jer. 33:3).
WHEN you act on God's revelation, the enemy's chains are broken.
God took Ezekiel to the Valley of Dry Bones and told him what to do. When he did it, the dead bones came alive (Ezek. 37).
EVERY dead situation in your life can receive life, too.
But understand that your warfare weapons are not carnal. They are mighty through God, capable of bringing down strongholds (2 Corin. 19:4).
So you fight your battles on your knees.
GOD wanted to show Abraham Canaan, so he led him.
You cannot walk in the miraculous unless he leads you.
As many as are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God (Romans 8:14).
Being led is easier than you think, but you must be intentional in your walk with God.
When he sees your commitment to Him, his Spirit leads you.
IMAGINE how great you'll feel when you are led by His Spirit.
You can look up and call for help when you run into storms.
ONE THING you are guaranteed when God leads you is prosperity.
It starts from your soul and spreads to every other part of life.
THERE is no sudden greatness even when you are led.
Isaac prospered until he became very great (Gen. 26:13).
When God leads you, he prospers you. Your place of greatness is in God.
HIS PROSPERITY was not built on location but on association with God.
Likewise, your prosperity isn't tied to a location. It's bound to obedience as you follow God.
WHEN JOSEPH was sent into slavery, prosperity followed him.
Potiphar's house prospered because of him (Gen. 39).
At his release, he became Pharaoh's second in command.
Joseph walked in the miraculous—and his life epitomized the reward of obedience.
ELIJAH obeyed God, and the ravens fed him (1 Kings 17:2-6). God will prosper you as you follow Him.
The obedient will escape with dignity when calamity comes. When famine invades the nations, they will be fed to their fill (Psalm 37:19).
TO WALK IN THE MIRACULOUS is to work your gift. Your gift is not for you but for other people.
Joseph's gift of dreams and interpretation brought him before Pharaoh.
PHARAOH knew nothing about the God of Israel until Joseph introduced Him.
Nothing is given; you have to cease it
And Joseph said: It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh a favourable answer (Gen. 41:16).
He knew that God was the interpreter of dreams.
When you know your calling, you will operate from a place of understanding and acknowledge the gift's giver.
JOSEPH lived a life of gratitude.
He told his brothers even though you planned evil against me, God planned good to come out of it. To keep many people alive, as he is doing now (Gen. 50:20)
YOU MUST see God's hands in your life to walk in the miraculous—and as you inhale God, you'll express gratitude.