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Writer's pictureMuyiwa Mepaiyeda

What Next

Updated: Jul 13, 2020

PAIN IS THE LANGUAGE that the body uses to tell that something is wrong.

The Narrative

SAMARIANS were in agony when the Arameans besieged their city.

The siege disrupted their lives and upended their daily livelihoods.

The prices of food rose astronomically—a donkey head sold for two pounds of silver, and two cups of dove's dung cost two ounces of silver. (2 Kings 6:24)

They all had one question in mind—what next?

The Beacon of Hope

KING BEN-HADAD thought Elisha caused the famine.

And when the king heard the story of a mother who ate her son, he tore his clothes and sent someone to kill Elisha.

But the prophet knew that the executioner was coming, and he told them to lock the doors.

As Elisha sat with the elders, the king walked in, accusing, "This trouble is directly from God! And what's next? I'm fed up with God!" (2 Kings 6:33)

Ben-hadad was afraid of what will come next. He came fighting instead of seeking God's assistance.

And Elisha said, "By this time tomorrow, seven quarts of flour and thirteen quarts of barley will sell for eleven grams at the market in the gate of Samaria." (2 Kings 7:1)

God's Word became their beacon of hope.

The Antidote to Fear

THE BEST ANTIDOTE to fear is Godly competence.

Elisha was competent in the Lord.

He had prioritized the threats. He understood the dangers involved and wasn't overwhelmed by the noise of war.

You may not be able to control the unknown, but you can choose how to respond. Let the Word of God become your stay.


The best antidote to fear is competence


The Approach

THE PATH you adopt in adversity will give you a purpose to pursue.

Elisha chose the right path and pursued the mind of God. But there was an officer of the king who wouldn't accept God's Word.

Rather than believe God, he said to Elisha—"You expect us to believe that? Trapdoors opening in the sky and food tumbling out?"

"You will witness the event but wouldn't enjoy the feast," Elisha replied. (2 Kings 7:2)

Be All in

FOUR LEPERS SAT outside the city gates.

They lived on benevolence but had a moment of power.

The lepers said to one another, "What are we doing sitting here at death's door? If we enter the famine-struck city, we'll die; if we stay here, we'll die. So, let's take our chances in the camp of Aram and throw ourselves on their mercy. If they receive us, we'll live, if they kill us, we'll die. We've got nothing to lose." (2 Kings 7:3-4)

The decision process was like a Rubix cube. But the lepers understood that they lived in extraordinary times, which deserve extraordinary measures.

Share the Good News

BEFORE NIGHTFALL, the lepers went to the camp of the Arameans.

To their surprise, the place was empty—there was no one there.

God had caused the Arameans to abandon everything and run for their lives. (2 Kings 7:7)

After a while, the lepers told themselves that what they were doing wasn't right.

They told the gatekeepers about the Arameans, which in turn sent a message to the king.

And when the king's emissaries checked, they found it to be true.

Ben-hadad appointed his officer to man the gate. The people ran over him, and he died.

Bringing it Together

MANY PEOPLE think that fear is the opposite of faith, but it is unbelief.

You do not attract divine sympathy by complaining, but by speaking the Word over your situation.

Wherever you are, be all in—live your life to the hilt!

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