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Writer's pictureMuyiwa Mepaiyeda

Winning Strategies: Understood

IF YOU’VE ever lost a battle, you’ll agree not everyone wins.

Saul and Jonathan lost a battle to the Philistines and died in the process (1 Sam. 31:8).

When Eli heard that the ark of God had been taken, he fell backwards and broke his neck because he was fat (1 Sam. 4:18-22).

No wonder Jehoshaphat was terrified when he heard the Ammonites, Moabites, and men from Mount Seir were coming.

So, he called for a fast and prayed:

OUR GOD, will you not judge them? We have no power to face this vast army attacking us.

We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.

Then, GOD said through Jehaziel: Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army.

The battle is not yours, but God’s (2 Chron. 20:12 & 14).

The first strategy for winning is talking to God.

PRAYER (talking to God) brings normalcy and spirituality to your relationship with him.

Prayer is a winning strategy

You acknowledge God when you pray. He recognizes you when he responds.

You enthrone him when you seek his face—and when you are thankful, you deserve the future.

Prayer is a two-way street.

The second strategy to winning is understanding that you were not made to walk alone.

JACOB realized he wasn’t alone when he saw a ladder from heaven with angels walking on it (Gen. 28:10-17).

ESTHER knew she wasn’t made to walk alone when Haman planned to wipe out her people—and God intervened (Esther 4:16).

YOU CEASE to be alone when you become a child of God (I Cor. 16:19-20).

And when you know him, you’ll realize that you cannot give a part of your life and keep the rest to yourself.

If God is in charge, then the power is his.


Prayer normalizes your relationship with God

The third strategy to use in all situations is acknowledging you have no power.

SINCE PAUL had no power to handle the pain, God gave him the ability to endure it (2 Corin. 12:9). That ability is called grace.

Paul was made for that, and you are made for this time.

God is most glorified when you are most satisfied.

The fourth strategy is to put your know-how behind the burner and seek God.

SOLOMON made an unusual request the night he dedicated the temple.

He sought God's wisdom to rule over Israel, and the kingdom of God became his priority (1 Kings 3:7).

FOR GOD to be the author of your life, he must sit on the throne of it.

John the Baptist said I must decrease that he might increase (John 3:30).

Paul confessed that he’s been crucified with Christ. He no longer lives, but Christ lives in him (Gal. 2:20).

The fifth strategy is—do not to fear.

Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God - Corrie Ten Boom.

JEHOSHAPHAT rose the following morning and told his people to believe in God and be established (2 Chronicles 20:20).

To win in life, you’ll have to trust God.

The sixth strategy is setting your eyes on Jesus Christ.

Just as MOSES lifted the snake in the wilderness, the Son of Man must be lifted so that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him (John 3:14-15; Numb. 21:4-9).

Your focus will determine your destination.

The seventh strategy is knowing God has a stake in you—so he fights your battles.

YOU DO NOT qualify to fight Satan except by


The sons of Sceva tried and regretted it (Acts 19:14-17).

JESUS has been given a name higher than every other name. (Phil. 2:9).

If you truly want to win, you will need Jesus.

So confess your sins to him. Ask him to forgive and cleanse you. Invite him to live in your heart. Thank him for choosing you.

If you’ve taken this bold step, your winning season has begun.

I’ll like to hear your story. God bless you.

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Florence Awojoodu
Florence Awojoodu

My take away points from todays blog are , 1.You acknowledge God when you pray. He recognizes you when he responds.

2.Prayer normalizes your relationship with God.

3.God is most glorified when you are most satisfied.

Thanks for being a beacon of life teaching us Gods ways.

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