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Writer's picture: Muyiwa MepaiyedaMuyiwa Mepaiyeda

IF YOU’VE EVER been locked out of your car, you know how important your car keys are.

If you've seen carjackers trying to snatch a car, you can tell how essential your car doors can be.

Your doors are your first line of defence. They shut intruders out and keep you in.

GOD CLOSED the door behind them when Noah, his family, and all the animals entered the ark (Gen. 7:16).

He shut the door to keep them safe.

God ended one season of their lives and started another. So, a closed door may be God keeping you safe.

A closed door

PAUL and his companions knew this well.

They travelled throughout Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia.

When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to.

They experienced closed doors twice. So they could tell that it was God.

Then, Paul had a vision where the Man of Macedonia was begging them to come. So they went there (Acts 16:6-910).

PAUL submitted to the leading of the Holy Spirit. God wants you to do the same.

As many as are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God (Romans 8:14).

WHEN PETER was arrested, the believers did not want to lose him. So, they prayed regularly for him (Acts 12:5-17).

God wants you to intercede as often as possible so that he can intervene in your affairs.

HE SHUT the door of death and opened the door to life, sending an angel to free Peter from prison.

When Peter got to the door of the home where the apostles were praying, Rhoda recognized his voice.

She was so happy and ran back in without opening the door to announce that Peter was there. But they felt she was beside herself.

So Peter was kept out until they were sure it was him.

Be careful not to shut friends and Destiny helps out of your life.

WHEN YOU mention doors, many people think of physical ones because they cannot see the spiritual ones.

However, spiritual doors exist.

GOD opened a spiritual door when Jacob saw angels walking up and down a ladder from heaven (Gen. 28:17).

To Jacob, it was the gate of heaven. But to God, it was a manifestation of His Presence.


Jesus Christ is the only explanation from God

WHEN CAIN got angry because his sacrifice was rejected, God told him that sin was crouching outside his door, waiting to have him (Gen. 4:7).

YOU MUST understand that whatever situation you face, Satan wants to have you. He wants something bad to happen to you.

So, life is spiritual.

LUKE 22:3 says: Satan entered Judas’ heart—and he went to the chief priests and captains to discuss how he will betray Jesus.

Judas opened the door of his heart to the devil.

GOD WILL NOT open or close your heart’s door for you.

You’ll have to do it yourself by guarding your heart with all diligence because life issues flow out of it (Prov. 4:23).

When David stood on the palace roof and kept looking at Bathsheba having a bath, he fed his heart with the wrong image (2 Sam. 11:2).

JAMES 1:15 says: When a person is carried away with desire, lured by lust, and when desire becomes the focus and takes control, it gives birth to sin. When sin becomes fully grown, it produces death.

So your goings without God will lead to death (Prov. 14:12)

IF YOU UNDERSTAND that your eyes and ears are gateways to your soul, you’ll do things differently.

My question is, what are you consumed with? What is driving you? Who is building your life?

Bringing it Together

JESUS CHRIST is the door—he is the only explanation from God (John 10:9; 1:18).

EVERYTHING that exists in the physical is spawned by the spiritual. To fix the physical, you'll need to fix the spiritual - Tony Evans.

To do this, you must engage Jesus Christ and give your life to Him.

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Florence Awojoodu
Florence Awojoodu
Jul 15, 2024

Life is spiritual indeed. Whatever we allow in controls us. We need to be mindful of what we feed our souls. May God help us all. Thanks for the reminder.


© 2016 by Muyiwa Mepaiyeda. 

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