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Writer's pictureMuyiwa Mepaiyeda

The New Horizon

Updated: Jan 5

The new year stands before you like a chapter in a book waiting to be written.

However, you need not write your story alone. Just as God waited for Abram to help write his story, he's waiting on you.

Abraham saw his future on the horizon when God told him to leave his relatives and father’s house for a land he would show him. (Genesis 12:1-3)

New Horizon
The New Horizon

He knew God had a plan for his life. Likewise, God has a plan for you.

His plans and thoughts toward you are plans for peace and well-being, not for disaster, to give you a future and hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Abram left the comfort of his home with Sarai and his nephew, Lot, for a city whose architect and builder is God. (Hebrews 11:10)

He understood the importance of the beginning of every walk. Abraham walked by faith.

Without faith, it's impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6-8)

You must know God to enjoy His peace and to see His wonders; you must believe in Him.

Peter believed in Jesus when Jesus told him to cast the net.

He said, "We have toiled all night [to the point of exhaustion] and caught nothing. At your word [I’ll do as you say], I will let down the net.” (Luke 5:5)

When he followed the command, he submitted to Jesus.

Abraham couldn’t grasp the future until he left the past—and when he did, his past became a footnote.

God will make your past a footnote when you allow Him. He will bring you out to take you in.

Paul underscored this; he said, "I do not consider that I have made it my own yet, but one thing I do is forget what lies behind and reach forward to what lies ahead." “I press on toward the goal of winning the [heavenly] prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14)

He recognised he was a work in progress and continued to look up to God.


You are destined to become the one you seek.

The moment you seek God, you're not alone.

Joshua 5:13 says, When Joshua was by Jericho, he looked up, and behold, a man was standing opposite him with his drawn sword in his hand, and Joshua went to him and said, “Are you for us or our adversaries?”

The Lord will fight for you while you [only need to] keep silent and remain calm.” (Exodus 14:14)

The person you are destined to become is the one you seek.

And we all, with unveiled faces, continually seeing as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are progressively being transformed into His image from [one degree of] glory to [even more] glory, which comes from the Lord, [who is] the Spirit.(2 Corinthians 3:18)

Do not be dissuaded by who you're with or be distracted by what you hope to achieve.

Sarah dissuaded Abraham when she convinced him to lie with Hagar. They were distracted by what they hoped to achieve. (Genesis 16:2)

They tried to do it themselves, delaying God's plan. They forgot they needed God to fulfil his promise.

When Abraham and Sarah pursued their dreams at the expense of the giver, they made their dreams idols.

Eventually, they had to wait on God and wait for Him to fulfil His promise.


Do not be dissuaded by who you're with or be distracted by what you hope to achieve

I do not know your dreams, but obedience is what you need.

When you seek God, you become a beginner. Your strength will show in your willingness to let Him lead.

Even when the excitement of knowing the future wanes, you will still believe in Him.

Abraham believed in (affirmed, trusted in, relied on, and remained steadfast to) the Lord, and He counted (credited) it to him as righteousness (doing right regarding God and man); this is character. (Genesis 15:6)


God's desire is not to stop your glory but help you write your story

Most things in life seem impossible until they are done.

When Elisha asked for a double portion of the anointing, Elijah called it difficult. But God did it.

No matter how impossible your future looks, God will do it.

I speak the name of Jesus over you and say that the delay you’ve experienced will cease. And God will move you forward.

I pray that your healing will manifest today and that your circumstances will change.

I pray that the funds you need will be available and you will receive the wisdom you need for the year.

I pray that you will believe Him more and that your life will continuously give Him pleasure.

Bringing it Together

God's desire is not to stop your glory but to help you write your story.

My prayer for you is that God will help you walk in His abilities and give you control over your future.

Have a great year!

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